2025-26 Clinics & Tryouts

2025-26 Clinics & Tryouts2025-01-20T19:47:10+00:00

Be A Part Of The Storm

Whether you’re new to the club or you’ve been skating with us for years, nothing beats the anticipation and hope that a new Cleveland Ice Storm synchro season brings… but it all starts with clinics and tryouts!

Registration is now open for 2025-2026 Team Clinics & Tryouts.

The Cleveland Ice Storm is Ohio’s largest synchronized skating club with a growing legacy of success both on and off the ice. We provide our skaters with an exceptional platform to develop their skating skills, learn how to work as a team and develop friendships that will last a lifetime.

Click here to download the 2025-2026 Season Informational Flyer.

Are you ready to join the storm?

Click here to register for 2025-26 clinics & tryouts

Clinic fees for non-members are $15 per session. Clinics are included in the season dues of returning members.
The tryout fees for non-members are $50 for groups 1 and 2, and $200 for groups 3 and 4.
Tryout fees for returning members are $50 for groups 1 and 2, and $100 for groups 3 and 4.

Fees are non-refundable, but will be applied toward season dues upon contract acceptance.

Dates & Skills Requirements

Click the buttons below to view moves, elements and evaluation criteria for each team.

Group 1
Skaters who are currently taking Learn-to-Skate classes and/or skaters who were on Aspire 1 or Aspire 2 teams last season.

March 13 & 20

March 27

Group 2
Skaters who have passed Pre-Preliminary Skating Skills or skaters who were on Aspire 3 and Aspire 4 last season.

March 13 & 20

March 27

Group 3
Skaters who have passed Preliminary Skating Skills or higher or were on Preliminary, Pre-Juvenile or Open Juvenile last season.

March 13 & 20

March 27

Group 4
Skaters who have passed Intermediate Skating Skills or were on Intermediate last season.

March 12 & 19

March 26

Skaters who qualify for more than one group should plan to attend BOTH sessions.

No Experience? No Problem!

We welcome skaters of all ages and skill levels. Prior experience is not required to be an Ice Storm synchronized skater and our Aspire teams are the perfect starting point to gain competition experience and develop team skills.

The audition process may seem overwhelming at first, but it will send new Ice Storm skaters on a journey of a lifetime of memories while improving their skating along the way!

Click Here To Download the 2025-2026 Audition Guide

Still have questions? Check out the FAQs below for answers to some of the ones we’re asked the most. Have other questions? Please contact Coach Lana at lana.ullemeyer@clevelandicestorm.com.

Audition FAQs

I’m confused on which group my skater should attend. What should I do?2025-01-20T19:22:23+00:00

Please email Coach Lana at lana.ullemeyer@clevelandicestorm.com. She will be able to help you figure out which group to attend. New skaters who do not have any moves in the field tests passed should be attending the Group 1 clinics and tryouts.

Can I watch the tryouts?2025-01-20T19:23:05+00:00

Tryouts are closed to all spectators to allow skaters to fully concentrate and perform at their best without the distraction of an audience. Parents/guardians are welcome to stay in the lobby or concession stand area. Clinics are open to watch from the bleachers.

What should my skater wear to tryouts?2025-01-20T19:23:44+00:00

Please wear black pants, black tank top and jacket or long sleeve shirt that is form fitting. Please do not wear jeans or anything baggy. Girls should have their hair in a neat bun. Current Ice Storm skaters should wear their practice attire.

What if I can not attend tryouts?2025-01-20T19:24:36+00:00

Make-up tryouts will be held on Tuesday, April 1st from 7:30-8:30pm. Please email Coach Lana to arrange a make-up tryout.

How do I know if I make the team?2025-01-20T19:25:20+00:00

Placements letters will be emailed in early April.

What will be in the team placement letter?2025-01-20T19:26:06+00:00

Placement letters will include the team financial information for the team that your skater made, the club handbook, team contract, important dates and the
practice schedule. Please note that we give a preliminary schedule, but dates and times are subject to change.